Latest database descriptions

Case-Control Study of First-Year Primary School (Cours Préparatoire) Pupils: Screening for Written Language Disorders

July 30 2015

To analyse the specific short- and long-term effects of a computerised graphic and audiovisual written language training programme for grapheme-phoneme correspondence learning, as well as the development of reading, transcription and cognitive capacities involved in acquiring written language proficiency.

Case-Control Study on Osteoporosis Prevention By Vibration Therapy

July 30 2015

To highlight the positive impact of professional vibrating platforms on bone fragility.

Cohort of Patients Fulfilling at Least One Metabolic Syndrome Criterion

July 30 2015

Main aim: to prospectively assess the role of hepatic steatosis in the onset of a metabolic syndrome (MS) and disorders linked to the kidney disease/MS combination

Secondary objectives:
- To measure the chief complication of hepatic steatosis, i.e. liver fibrosis; and to study the connection to MS, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and sleep apneoa syndrome (SAS).
- To determine whether blood tests established for the non-invasive diagnosis of liver damage (steatosis, inflammation, liver fibrosis) in dysmetabolic liver disease also have prognostic value and may identify patients at risk of cardiovascular complications, malignancies, diabetes, or SAS.

Trajectory and Origin Survey

July 30 2015

The main objective of this survey is to describe the living conditions and social trajectories of different populations (immigrants, descendants of immigrants born in France, natives from overseas départements and descendants of these natives born in mainland France, as well as native descendants of natives); to investigate their access to resources and to describe their integration trajectory, regardless of orgin.

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