Sign up

Why sign up and contribute?

As head of a database in Public Health, you may want to share information about this database to researchers and experts in epidemiology and public health.

The epidemiology-France portal is a tool that will allow you to reference your database in its catalog, which contains the description of the main French health databases.

By completing an online form, you will specify the main features of your database and you will be able to provide further information, including links to visit (list of publications, etc.), or enclosing documents related to this database (reports, major publications, questionnaires etc.).

Once completed, you will be able to make a request for publication on the portal for your database.

After a quick validation procedure by the Portal team (consistency check), it will be published and appear in the catalog where it can be viewed by all visitors of the Portal.

In any case, your request for publication of a record in the Portal catalog is under your own responsibility.

An individual database includes data observed or collected at an observation unit (the individual in general). The resulting file consists of records (or rows) of individuals.

It may involve exposure to risk factors, one or more pathologies, the quality of life... There are no exclusion factors, except that the described database must  exist concretely so that it can be analysed.

A database can be linked (or not) to one or more assessment(s) carried out under research.

If in doubt about your database's compliance with these criteria, please contact the Portal team to discuss.

Go to your workspace to propose a new publication.

If you are registered as a contributor to the Portal, you can connect to your space contributor by entering your username and password.

Not yet registered? You can apply for a new account in your name or the name of your institution, unit (etc.) by completing the registration form below. The information is considered confidential and are the subject of a declaration to the CNIL.


Subscribe to contribute

You are not a contributor on this portal yet. You can sign up by filling the form below:
Name *
Firstname *
Email *
Function *
Password *
Repeat password*
Organisation name
Visibility of your informations
Validation and sending
Security code *

Required fields*

The information collected by Inserm are used to identify people responsible for records listed on the website, contact them in order to keep the information up to date, and keep them informed of developments on the portal . This data is not transmitted to any third party. In accordance with the "Computer and Freedom" law of 6 January 1978, you have a right to access and rectify information concerning you, that you can exercise by contacting "Portal Epidemiology - France, ITMO Public Health 8 rue de la Croix Jarry, 75013 PARIS". CNIL declaration number : 1488032 and 1488106.

Partners - FAQ - Contact - Site map - Legal notices - Administration - Updated on December 15 2020 - Version 4.10.05