NUTRINET-SANTE - Nutrinet-Health

Head :
Hercberg Serge, Unité de Recherche en Epidémiologie Nutritionnelle (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Chantal Julia, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Touvier Mathilde, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Mejean Caroline, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Peneau Sandrine, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Fezeu Léopold, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Galan Pilar, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Kesse Emmanuelle, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Castetbon , USEN

Last update : 07/03/2015 | Version : 1 | ID : 60067


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General Aspects
Scientific investigator(s) (Contact)
Governance of the database
Additional contact
Type of database
Database objective
Population type
Size of the database
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Detailed name Nutrinet-Health
Sign or acronym NUTRINET-SANTE
CNIL registration number, number and date of CPP agreement, AFSSAPS (French Health Products Safety Agency) authorisation Receipt date of favourable CNIL opinion: 24/02/2009
General Aspects
Medical area Cardiology
Endocrinology and metabolism
Health determinants Nutrition
Keywords Overall and specific mortality, prevention
Scientific investigator(s) (Contact)
Name of the director Hercberg
Surname Serge
Address 93017 Bobigny
Phone + 33 (0)1 48 38 89 32
Unit Unité de Recherche en Epidémiologie Nutritionnelle (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Organization INSERM
Name of the director Chantal
Surname Julia
Unit Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Name of the director Touvier
Surname Mathilde
Unit Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Name of the director Mejean
Surname Caroline
Unit Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Name of the director Peneau
Surname Sandrine
Unit Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Name of the director Fezeu
Surname Léopold
Unit Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Name of the director Galan
Surname Pilar
Address 93017 BOBIGNY
Phone + 33 (0)1 48 38 89 32
Unit Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Name of the director Kesse
Surname Emmanuelle
Unit Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Name of the director Castetbon
Address 93017 BOBIGNY
Phone + 33 (0)1 48 38 89 32
Funding status Public
Governance of the database
Sponsor(s) or organisation(s) responsible Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale
Organisation status Public
Additional contact
Main features
Type of database
Type of database Study databases
Study databases (details) Cohort study
Database recruitment is carried out by an intermediary A population file
Database recruitment is carried out as part of an interventional study No
Additional information regarding sample selection. Prospective Inclusion cut-off date: 01/05/2013
Database objective
Main objective General objective: to understand the relationship between nutrition and health and to investigate factors that determine dietary patterns.
1. To study the relationship between nutrient intake, food and dietary patterns as well as:
- overall and specific mortality (cancer or cardiovascular disease);
- The impact of cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity and excess weight, type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome and quality of life.
2. To investigate factors that determine dietary patterns (sociological, economical. cultural, biological, etc.), nutritional status and health.
3. To monitor trends in the population's nutrient intake and nutritional status over time.
4. To evaluate the impact of public health campaigns or initiatives (awareness, perception, effectiveness, etc.).
Inclusion criteria Internet users (over 18 years old) who agreed to participate in the study for 5 years (at least) by answering questionnaires on diet (3 dietary records at baseline over 3 weeks) + questionnaires on physical activity + weight, height, + lifestyle + health questionnaire.
Population type
Age Adulthood (19 to 24 years)
Adulthood (25 to 44 years)
Adulthood (45 to 64 years)
Elderly (65 to 79 years)
Population covered General population
Gender Male
Geography area National
Detail of the geography area France
Data collection
Date of first collection (YYYY or MM/YYYY) 05/2009
Date of last collection (YYYY or MM/YYYY) 05/2014
Size of the database
Size of the database (number of individuals) Greater than 20 000 individuals
Details of the number of individuals 120,000
Database activity Current data collection
Type of data collected Declarative data
Declarative data (detail) Paper self-questionnaire
Details of collected declarative data Self-administered questionnaire at baseline and every month throughout follow-up. Information recorded by self-administered questionnaire: diet, physical activity, anthropometry, health, sociodemographic information and scorecard questionnaire. Self-administered questionnaire: direct input.
Presence of a biobank No
Health parameters studied Health event/morbidity
Health event/mortality
Quality procedure(s) used Consistency request when entering computer data and after recording computer data. Subject reminder for follow-up visits. Internal quality audit each year. Patients are informed about the use of their data.
Participant monitoring Yes
Details on monitoring of participants Follow-up duration: 5 years.
Links to administrative sources Yes
Linked administrative sources (detail) PMSI, SNIIRAM, CNAV, CépiDc.
Promotion and access
Link to the document
Description Liste des publications dans HAL
Link to the document
Description Liste des publications dans Pubmed
Terms of data access (charter for data provision, format of data, availability delay) Data may be used by industrial teams;
Contractual access;
Data may not be used by industrial teams.
Access to aggregated data Access on specific project only
Access to individual data Access on specific project only

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