Latest database descriptions

Case-Control Study of Patients from Neurological Centres: Genetic Profile on Brain Infarction

August 17 2016

To describe the association between the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene and brain infarction.

Data on Occupational Hazards in Local Communities

August 17 2016

The aim of the database is to provide data on occupational accidents and diseases. It also allows statistical information to be centralised and exploited, so as to formulate a comprehensive national plan and risk analysis. This database shall enable the development of occupational risk prevention and to provide public authorities and scientists with these data in order to develop a prevention policy.

Retrospective Cohort of Employees in Steel-Producing Factories: Epidemiological Study on Mortality

August 17 2016

To study the possible association between iron oxide exposure and lung cancer mortality.

National Cohort of Secondary-Duct Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas

August 17 2016

To carry out a long-term standardised prospective study (over 5 years) of patients with IPMN in the secondary ducts that have not reached the main duct with no onset of deterioration.
The aims are to determine:
– The risk of deterioration in the long term (main objective);
– Morphological factors predicting deterioration (secondary aim)
– Subgroups of patients at risk of deterioration based on their sociodemographic, clinical, morphological and molecular characteristics (secondary aim).

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