Yves Lévy, new President of Aviesan

08 September 2014

Yves Lévy, CEO of Inserm, has just been appointed President of the Aviesan, the French national Alliance for life sciences and healthcare. He succeeds André Syrota, the Institute's former CEO, who has occupied this post since Aviesan was created in 2009.


Aviesan arose from the desire held by major academic institutions involved in life science and healthcare research to strengthen their national coordination both at European and international level. Aviesan now has nine founder members and ten associate members. The Alliance is organised into two Multi-Organisation Thematic Institutes (ITMO), each providing scientific leadership in their respective field, irrespective of the institution to which the scientists involved belong.


Over these five years, the Alliance has been tasked with organising and coordinating the scientific programming of the French national agency for research in its themed field, promoting cross-disciplinary projects and transferring fundamental knowledge to their clinical applications, as well as encouraging the implementation of projects linking the academic and business worlds. Aviesan has also facilitated expert meetings, during health crises, in order to define the priority research areas in very short deadlines.

World Sepsis Day: fighting against infections that kill

08 September 2014

World Sepsis Day: fighting against infections that kill

September 12, 2014 in Paris 15th (Pasteur Institute)


Organizer: Pasteur Institute

Theme: Sharing knowledge and best practices for research actors and health awareness among hospital staff. Information and public awareness: patients and caregivers.


Symposium of ITMO Public Health and Neurosciences, Cognitive Sciences, Neurology and Psychiatry

08 September 2014

The ITMO Public Health and Neurosciences, Cognitive Sciences, Neurology, Psychiatry are jointly organizing their symposium in Paris on 8 and 9 December 2014.

On this occasion, Prof. Stanislas Dehaene (Professor at the College of France, Chair Experimental Cognitive Psychology, Director of the Neuroimaging cognitive Unit) will lecture on advances in decoding consciousness. Three main topics will be addressed during the symposium: mental health, addiction and environment.


These two days will end with a roundtable on biomedical ethical issues and a panel discussion on the guidelines for H2020. Open to all, registration is free but required.

The preliminary program and registration form will be posted soon.

Contact: Marion Le Gal (ITMO Public Health) and Marie-Louise Kemel (ITMO Neuroscience, Cognitive Sciences, Neurology, Psychiatry)

Inserm-JSPS call for applications to support the organization of Franco-Japanese scientific seminars

22 August 2014

A call for applications to support the organization of Franco-Japanese scientific seminars is open as part of the cooperation agreement signed by Inserm with the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS).

See the text of the call for applications

Download the application form


You will also find the Japanese call for applications at the following link: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-bilat/call.html

Projects should be sent no later than 10 September 2014.

An evaluation of the proposals submitted will be conducted on both sides. Inserm side, it will be a discussion on permanent contracts before the step of conciliation provided with JSPS for final selection.

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