The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France
08 September 2014
IReSP will be hosting on January 29, 2015 an international symposium on research in Patient Therapeutic Education. It will be organized in three conference sessions taking up topics related to research in the field.
Registration is free but mandatory, the website for registration will be open soon.
To promote exchanges around these themes, a call for poster presentations is launched on September 8 2014 Interested teams have six weeks to submit their papers to IReSP.
Expected format: structured abstract of 400 words, including title, names and affiliations of the authors, and address of the corresponding author. A summary file in word or rtf format. Posters will be printed A1 portrait format (841 mm x 594 mm).
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: Friday, October 31, 2014
Contact: Marie Gaborit
08 September 2014
ASIP Health (Agency for Shared Information Systems) is organizing the 4th General States of Health in Regions, that are a place to meet, exchange and construct for all actors in the healthcare chain . This meeting will be held on 11 and 12 September 2014 at the Abbey of Fontenay (21). This year, these days will be devoted to the theme: "For a law of [good] health."
Terms and registration form online
Contact: Laurence Perrier
08 September 2014
Arapi (Association for autism research and prevention of maladjustment) is organizing a Regional Day on September 13, 2014 in Toulouse, on the topic "autism in young children, which advances in diagnosis and intervention ?" This day will allow a wider audience of professionals and parents to learn about the latest research and submit a status report on the new data and current projects or future.
Terms and registration form online here.
Contact: Emmanuelle Coster
08 September 2014
The IReSP is recruiting a charge de mission with the task of carrying out the census of public health research teams in France and mapping of their financing arrangements. The proposed position is a fixed term contract of 1 year, based in Paris.
Profile (in french):
Profil recherché : (Bac+5) Formation scientifique, avec de solides connaissances dans le domaine de la santé publique. Une bonne connaissance de l’organisation de la recherche académique en santé est importante. La maîtrise du traitement de l'information et de la documentation est requise. Une parfaite maîtrise des nouvelles technologies de l'information adaptées aux besoins du projet est également nécessaire, ainsi qu’une connaissance des techniques de bibliométrie. Anglais lu, écrit, éventuellement parlé.
Contact: Claire-Isabelle Coquin
The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France
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