Anses scientific meetings 2014

04 December 2014

The ANSES (Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail) organizes scientific meetings on November 28, 2014 in Paris, on the theme of diseases and health problems linked to the environment. These meetings will present the latest scientific advances on two topics: air pollution and chemicals (pesticides, endocrine disruptors, etc.). These advances are derived from results of works on risk assessment as well as research projects of PNREST (National Research Program Environmental and Occupational Health).


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"Health in Questions" conference on AIDS

04 December 2014

November 27, 2014 from 19h to 20h30 in Paris (Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie). Faced with the ongoing evolution of the AIDS virus, what are the new goals of scientific research? How to improve not only the health but also the lives of those infected with HIV? Ask your questions to Yves Lévy (CEO of Inserm), Marie Suzan (CNRS researcher, Deputy Secretary General of AIDES) and Antoine Cheret (Internal Medicine CHU Bicetre, investigator optiprim ANRS).



To be continued also on Twitter or viaInsermLive #ConfSanT

Practicalities: Free access, reservations at

To learn more, visit the dedicated blog

Information day on calls for HEALTH projects of the program Horizon 2020

04 December 2014

The European Commission organizes on November 22, 2014 in Brussels, an information day on calls for projects HEALTH of the program Horizon 2020. This day will provide an opportunity to better understand the expectations of the European Commission for a project submission and find European partners.

Free access

3 lectures by the Psychiatry and Neurosciences Research Center

04 December 2014

The Psychiatry and Neurosciences Research Center is hosting 3 lectures on 4, 18 and 25 November 2014 in Paris. The topics covered will be, in chronological order, "Research in psychiatry: the origins outlook", "The dynamics of the age" and "stroke". Registration by mail is free but compulsory: Samia Sayah

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