Call for projects of the Neurosciences ITMO

24 April 2015

The "Neurosciences, cognitive sciences, neurology, psychiatry" Multi-agency thematic institute (ITMO) calls for projects on the topic "Identification of centers of excellence in the field of neurodegenerative diseases."

Download the call for projects in english

Application deadline: May 27, 2015

Application file on demand: Marie-Louise Kemel

The ‘Constances’ cohort, a research network unique in France

14 April 2015

Already more than 65,000 volunteers have been included from the 200,000 expected and 41 research projects have begun.

Two years after its launch, the ‘Constances’ cohort is gathering health related data on more than 65,000 volunteers aged from 18 to 69 years who are affiliated to the general social security system and have been selected at random. Each volunteer gets a health check at a (National) Health Insurance Health Centre (CES) and fills in annual questionnaires. They accept that data relating to them, such as health care consumption, hospitalisation or their socio-professional status may be monitored by researchers from the Constances cohort. Eighteen CESs are involved in 17 French departments. Constances is jointly run by Inserm, the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, the (National) Health Insurance Scheme and the Pension Insurance Scheme, with the support of the General Directorate of Health.

Read the full article on

Launch of the new version of the Epidemiology-France portal

10 April 2015

The Public Health ITMO Aviesan just put online the new version of the Epidemiology France portal, which lists the basics of French individual health databases (excluding clinical trials). This collaborative website encourages database managers to describe their main characteristics, in order to map and boost public health research.

The new version of the site, on line in April 2015, offers a more ergonomic layout and easy navigation to improve the visibility of these databases. The advanced search tool is also more efficient. Anyone interested can explore the portal in the catalog, and make a registration request to start describing their own databases.

Click here for more information

The data of the Elfe study is now available for researchers

03 April 2015

The data of the "Elfe" study is now available to all public and private research teams, French or foreign, on the basis of a research project and under the conditions specified in the Data Access charter.

The French Longitudinal Study since childhood (Elfe), funded as Investissements d’Avenir, opens its database to the entire scientific community.

Elfe is a cohort of 18,300 children recruited at birth in 2011 to follow up adulthood. Its purpose is to study the determinants of development, health, socialization and educational pathways of children. At each stage of recruitment and follow-up, the research teams associated with the study benefit from exclusive access to a period of 18 months from the availability of data. This period is now over and the maternity survey data are now made available to the entire scientific community. The survey on maternity includes an interview with the mother, a self-questionnaire on lifestyle and diet during pregnancy and a statement of obstetrical and medical history of the child. Requests for access to data are made through a secure internet online platform offering the necessary documentation on the investigation and databases. Obtaining them is subject to the authorization of the CNIL. More information about the study and how to access the data.

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