6th International R&D Meeting “From Rare Diseases to Personalized Medicine”

15 June 2015

Paris June 30th, 2015

Public and private partnerships are essential to foster innovation in health industries. A great number of companies committed themselves to their development, notably during the International R&D Meetings (Rencontres Internationales de Recherche – RIR), since their launch in 2009. ARIIS’s main strategic objective is, since its creation in 2010, to develop such partnerships, and therefore, in cooperation with the Institute of Genetics, genomics and bioinformatics of Aviesan (the French national Alliance for life sciences and health), with the support of The French Foundation for rare diseases, ARIIS is organising the 6th International R&D Meeting on June 30th, 2015.

More information and online subscription here.

Deadline for subscriptions: June 19th

GEHOPS symposium in Nantes : Genetic Epidemiology in Homogeneous Populations Symposium

06 May 2015

Exploring the genetic architecture of complex traits requires identification of low frequency variants with large effect size. Founder and isolated populations provide a unique and powerful resource for the identification of such causal genetic variants. Recent studies highlight that open population may also display genetic structure related to demographical history (Western France, The Netherlands). This Symposium will cover methodology and examples of gene identification in all homogeneous populations.

More informations and program on www.gehops2015.univ-nantes.fr 

Download the "Save the date" (220.3 ko)

The CépiDc (Inserm) is recruiting a software/statistical engineer on medical and administrative databases

05 May 2015


The reuse of large databases of medical and administrative data (BDMA) to meet the priorities in public health knowledge is one of the challenges for french research. The French health databases are among the most important in the world; they contain all the particular reimbursement data and medical care of insured persons. This job offer is part of a project to facilitate access to these BDMA researchers by offering a high level of expertise.


The / candidate (s) will have the following role:

  • to render an expert opinion on questions from researchers about the use of data relating to the BDMA. This expertise will be made in connection with the investigation of claims made to the interface pole by research teams in collaboration with the CnamTS.
  • the development of studies and methods, most often in collaboration with other research teams, to strengthen this expertise and to facilitate the exploitation of BDMA for research.

Download the full offer (in french) (154.1 ko)

Launch day of the DVS Biomarkers in neurology and psychiatry

24 April 2015

Date July 2, 2015 in Paris (Aviesan)

Organizer Strategic biomarkers valuation area in neurology and psychiatry

Theme DVS Launch Day 

Registration deadline May 18, 2015


Download the invitation letter

Register online

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