Latest database descriptions

Barometer on living conditions, health behaviour and mental health of students in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA) region

September 05 2017

To investigate the prevalence of and factors that determine health behaviour in students. Specific objectives: to investigate the prevalence of and factors associated with psychological distress and certain psychiatric disorders (mood disorders, anxiety disorders and disorders related to use of psychoactive substances)

Asbestos Exposure and Digestive Cancers

September 05 2017

To determine whether occupational asbestos exposure increases the risk of digestive cancers. To define the relationship between exposure to asbestos and cancer of the small intestine and oesophagus in humans.

Survey on The Health of Children Attending Primary Schools in The Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA) Region

September 05 2017

1) To assess the prevalence of most the common mental health issues (with teachers and children) and physical issues (with parents) for primary school children. 2) to assess the principle social and psychological risk factors for mental health among young people (with parents). 3) To assess the use of health services (with parents).

The Impact of Male Gonadal Dose of Ionising Radiation and Probability of Pregnancy

September 05 2017

To determine the effects of ionising radiation on male reproductive function. To assess the risks of ionising radiation on humans concerning the probability of pregnancy.

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