The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France
September 05 2017
C.O.I. is a matched survey employers/employees on organizational changes and computerization, enriched with administrative data from both employers and employees.
The objective is to measure the organizational changes of companies in terms of management and use of information and communication technologies and their effects on employees' work over a three-year period (2003-2006).
September 05 2017
The purpose of this work was to report labor and birth management practices for term breech presentation in France and Belgium in 2001-2002 and to describe indications for cesarean sections (before labor, emergency situations) in breech presentations.
September 05 2017
Consider the effect of particular work conditions on premature birth.
September 05 2017
To identify hormonal, reproductive environmental, and lifestyle risk factors of thyroid cancers.
The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France
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