Latest database descriptions

Case-Control Study on Childhood Cancers

September 13 2017

To investigate the influence of the following on childhood cancer risk: pregnancy outcome, child's characteristics at birth, child's environment in utero or during childhood, parents' profession and lifestyle, successive domicile communities, family history of cancer, birth defects, or autoimmune diseases. To identify genetic predispositions capable of modulating the function of these factors, including polymorphisms in genes involved in the transport and metabolism of xenobiotics, DNA repair, immune response, or in embryonic development and cell differentiation. To investigate the interactions between these polymorphisms and environmental factors.

Hepatocellular Carcinoma

September 05 2017

To evaluate the role of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase enzymes in hepatocellular carcinoma.

EStrogen THromboEmbolism Risk

September 05 2017

To evaluate the risk of venous thromboembolism in connection with hormone therapy for menopause while considering the administration route for oestrogen and types of progestin.

Brain Tumours and Plant Protection Products

September 05 2017

To investigate the relationship between exposure to pesticides and central nervous system disorders (brain and spinal cord)

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