Latest database descriptions

Prospective observational study on the quality of life of patients with Clostridium difficile infection

October 19 2017

Evaluate the consequences of a Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) on the quality of life of the patients through the progression of the EQ-5D profile before/during the episode

Observational study of the management of metastatic melanoma in France

October 19 2017

Describe the sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients with metastatic melanoma as well as their therapeutic management

Study of the conditions of use of golimumab and its impact, in current practice, in patients with chronic inflammatory rheumatism.

August 07 2019

To evaluate the maintenance of golimumab therapy 24 months after initial prescription in adult patients with chronic inflammatory rheumatism in clinical practice in France
The primary endpoint is the total percentage of patients who maintained treatment with golimumab two years after the initial prescription.

Aquitaine Addiction Cohort: Trajectories of people with addiction (substances or behaviour) in contact with health-care system. Medical, neurobiological, sociological and psychological characteristics. Prospective multicentric, multidisciplinary study

October 19 2017

The main objective of this study is to assess the medium- and long-term impact of addiction treatment. This is a medium- and long-term impact study under naturalistic conditions. The study plan is a prospective, multicentric study that includes participants with substance addiction and/or behavioural addiction when they request treatment for their addiction. This impact is evaluated on different parameters in a multidimensional way, depending on the subjects (medical and biopsychosocial characteristics), the therapeutic frameworks and their organisation, or the general context, in order to determine the trajectories. We seek to understand these trajectories and predict them from multiple characteristics (medical, neurobiological, sociological, psychological). A secondary objective is to study the socio-cultural and psychopathological profiles of the subjects according to the type of addiction they present at inclusion. We will try, in particular, to highlight similarities and differences depending on the type of addiction. Ultimately, it is a question of being able to intervene more effectively for prevention and therapeutics but also to gain a better understanding of the development of addictive behaviour and the choice of a preferential substance or behaviour.

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