Latest database descriptions

Longitudinal study in a military environment: epidemiology of risk factors and metabolic syndrome

October 19 2017

Determine responsibility for different metabolic syndrome parameters and assess clinical consequences in a military population.

Cross-sectional study on body mass index and physical fitness among secondary school pupils in six French regions, 2007-2014

October 19 2017

The objective of the study was to analyse the relationship between this determinant of health and body mass index (BMI) in adolescents.

Cross-sectional study of the health (psychological, social and physical) of swimmers following long-term training

October 19 2017

The objective is to collect information on the state of (psychological and physiological) health of swimmers in comparison with the general population in order to gain a better understanding of the links between swimming, participation in competitions and health benefits.

Cross-sectional study on food behaviour and consumption in children under 3 years of age

October 19 2017

The survey aims to explore and characterise the behaviour and consumption of French children under three years of age. Observations from the "Consumption" component of the previous surveys proved useful, either to reassure by confirming that young children living in France were well-nourished overall, or to warn about nutritional differences with regard to certain nutrients. The consumption database can then be used to estimate the intakes of contaminants, toxic products and additives, etc.

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