Latest database descriptions

General public perceptions, knowledge and attitudes towards Alzheimer's disease

October 19 2017

Included in the third strategic main line of the 2008-2012 Alzheimer Plan entitled "mobilising for a societal challenge", all DEOMA studies and surveys aim to improve the "knowledge of how the disease is perceived". DEOMA offers a cross-examination of Alzheimer's disease through the general public, formal and informal caregivers, general practitioners and sick people.

Cross-sectional study of health-related quality of life of subjects aged 65 years and over living in the Auvergne region

October 19 2017

Evaluate the quality of life related to the health of subjects aged 65 years and over in France living at home, using a specific self-administered scale validated in French, the LEIPAD.

Cross-sectional study of the health and social characteristics of new prisoners in Picardie

October 19 2017

Improve knowledge on the state of health of people arriving in prisons

Cross-sectional study of young people on health, indicators and follow-up in Picardie

October 19 2017

The purpose of the survey is to determine the state of health of pupils and students in Picardie and to describe the relationships with demographic factors.

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