Conference : "Health librarians and the changing information landscape"

04 June 2014

The FIAB (International Federation of Library Associations and libraries) organizes, August 15, 2014 in Lyon, a satellite conference "Health librarians and the changing information landscape."

Registration is free but mandatory.

Online registration form here.

Registration Deadline: Thursday, August 14, 2014


7th European Conference on Public Health

04 June 2014

The 7th European Conference on Public Health organized by the EPH (European Public Health Conference Foundation) , the EUPHA (European Public Health Association) and the Society for Social Medicine will be held from 19 to 22 November 2014 in Glasgow, Scotland. This conference provides an annual opportunity to meet and exchange with European counterparts. This year's theme will focus on health inequalities: "Mind the gap: Reducing Inequalities in health and health care."



Public scientific conferences at Institut Pasteur

04 June 2014

The Institut Pasteur is organizing a Tuesday a month big public scientific conferences. June 10, 2014 in Paris, a conference will take place about "HPV and cancers." This is an opportunity to better understand the current biomedical science and public health issues through the presentation of scientific work of the Institute

Free access without reservation.

Entry fee: 6€ (except on presentation of the donor card or permanent guest card)

Symposium : Ethical Issues of Big Data: Opportunities and Risks

20 May 2014

The SFdS (French Statistics Society) is organizing a symposium on "Ethical Issues of Big Data: Opportunities and Risks" to be held May 22, 2014 in Malakoff near Paris. Thi day is open to all professionals and students in order to propose a reflection on the tensions between inputs and risks of the Big Data phenomenon. The seminar will present the possible applications, the stakes for our economy, the state of the debate on the legal protection of data in French and international level.

Registration is free but mandatory.

Online registration form here.


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