INCa annual report

25 June 2014

INCA (National Cancer Institute) has published its annual report on cancer in France. This report, in continuation of the previous five editions, offers an update of knowledge for all themes of cancer. It thus brings together the most recent data on the epidemiology, prevention, screening, treatment, living with cancer, health inequalities and research. These numbers and all data collected in this report served as references for the development of cancer Plan 2014-2019, launched on 4 February, the President of the Republic, Mr. Holland.

Report the tiger mosquito

25 June 2014

The tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, vector of dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, continued to grow in France (and in other parts of the world).

If you think you have been bitten by mosquitoes, especially in a region where it is unknown, thank you for reporting it on the following website:

This will greatly assist public health services to anticipate outbreaks or epidemics of dengue, chikungunya or zika. Do not forget the simple things we can all do to reduce nuisance or health hazard, recalled on the website.

Click here for more information

ESBB annual conference

19 June 2014


The Annual Conference of ESBB (European Society for Biopreservation & Biobanking) will take place from 21 to 24 October 2014 in Leipzig (Germany).

Theme: Biobanking: A Choral Symphony of Science, Technology and Human Rights

Deadline for abstract submission: July 1, 2014

HTA 2.0 Europe – Teaming Up for Value

17 June 2014

The conference will bring you up-to-date on the latest developments in the interface between science and policy in European healthcare – on HTA, regulation, reimbursement, health policy, and contributing fields of research. You will find many opportunities to discuss how collaboration, defragmentation and integrative approaches can lead to improvements in healthcare systems across Europe.

Registration form online here.

Registration Deadline: Friday, August 1, 2014


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