Latest database descriptions

Gironde register of hematologic malignancies

April 09 2015

One of the key objectives of the registry is to improve the health surveillance system for hematological malignancies
locally in France:
- by analyzing incidence data of different types of hematological malignancies: description of the
frequency and distribution of each entity according to time, space and the characteristics of the
- by producing reliable reference rates for helping the investigation of clusters,
- by monitoring the side effects of therapies (e.g.: secondary leukemia),
- by actively taking part in improving the surveillance system (expertise in the recording
of hematological malignancies; program for improving the recording of cases in France).

Clinical or evaluative epidemiology in the general population is also one of the registry's main objectives:
- evaluate practices, care pathways and streams, how these change over time and the impact
of practice standards on care quality and survival,
- estimate the relative survival and prevalence of hematological malignancies for the purposes of comparing with
other regions or countries and to estimate the resource needs of diagnosis and treatment
(chemotherapy, transplant, radiotherapy) - particularly for the elderly (high proportion of cases),
- evaluate the dissemination and impact of clinical research by assessing the applicability of therapeutic
trials and impact of therapeutic progress on the quantity/quality of life of patients,

The registry was designed from the outset as a tool for participating in - and even initiating - an
epidemiological research program on hematological malignancies in several fields. Descriptive epidemiology, ecological studies or case-control studies, studies on access to health care and prognostic studies in the population, multidisciplinary research with Human and Social Sciences).

The Digestive Tumors Registry of the Calvados (qualified registry)

September 23 2015

As with all of the registries in the FRANCIM network, the registry contributes in the development on a regular basis of incidence estimations of cancers for all of France. It contributes particularly to
interpreting the trends in the incidence for cancer of the digestive system. In the same way, it participates in the work of the network pertaining to the survival of cancers and in all of the investigations concerning cancers
of the digestive system provided for in the working program with the Institut de Veille Sanitaire. Locally, the registry responds to all invitations from the local health authorities (URCAM, DRASS, ARH) when planning
the organization of care in cancerology.

Chronic toxicities in patients with early breast cancer

April 09 2015

The primary goal will be to generate predictors of chronic toxicity in patients with early brest cancer treated with anticancer agents.
This project will include four specific aims:
- To develop a database of chronic toxicity in a cohort of 20 000 women with stage I-III breast cancer
- To describe incidence, clinical presentation, biological characteristics and outcome of chronic toxicities
- To describe the psychosocial and economic impact of chronic toxicities
- To generates predictors for chronic toxicities

Cross-sectional study on French teenagers and artifical tanning

April 09 2015

The objective of this study is to evaluate the behavior of French teenagers (from 11 to 17 years old) regarding tanning : sunless tanning products, sunlamps, artificial tanning beds.

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