Latest database descriptions

Case-Control Study on the Relationship Between Environmental, Domestic and Occupational Exposure during Early Life, and the Risk of Germ Cell Testicular Cancer in Adulthood

August 17 2016

Main aim: To study the relationship between various exposures, especially to pesticides, during critically sensitive periods in testicular development (pre-conception, intrauterine and early childhood) and the risk of developing testicular cancer in adulthood. Environmental, occupational and domestic exposure will be taken into account in this assessment.

Secondary objectives: To investigate the hypothesis of a dual impact (early life and adulthood) by studying the relationship between various exposures (occupational, environmental and domestic) until adulthood and the risk of developing testicular cancer.
To study genetic polymorphisms that may be potentially related to TGCT in the literature, as well as the interactions between these polymorphisms and environmental risk factors, including polymorphisms linked to the metabolic pathways of organochlorine pesticides.

Case-Control Study on the Impact of Pregnancy on Prescribing Psychotropic Medication

August 17 2016

To determine if and how the prescription of psychotropic medication changes during pregnancy.

Case-Control Study on Vascular Medicine Patients in Paris University Hospitals

August 17 2016

To identify genetic risk factors for venous thromboembolism.

Case-Control Study on Oral Health in Patients Treated by Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP/BiPAP) for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

August 17 2016

The aim of this population-based, case-control study was to compare oral health variables (amount of plaque, tartar, gingivitis and masticatory function) between patients treated by continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP/BiPAP) and control subjects.

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