The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France
August 17 2016
The main aim is to improve the qualitative and quantitative knowledge of emergency medicine activities in the Midi-Pyrénées region. As such, it should facilitate the better definition of the population requirements; an accurate description of healthcare provisions and improvements to professional practices.
August 17 2016
The general objective is to provide data on women with breast cancer. These data will be very useful for developing epidemiological studies.
August 17 2016
Kawanet is a clinical and biological data repository aimed to define the epidemiological characteristics of Kawasaki disease in the French population; to research risk factors for cardiac complications or resistance to standard treatment and to participate in genomic studies in an international consortium.
August 17 2016
The RIM-P is an medical-administrative tool for hospital activity. The main aim is to allow the better distribution of budget packages according to the healthcare costs of the illnesses treated within each establishment.
Through its contents, studies may be carried out on hospital morbidity (diagnoses, treatment methods); treatment analysis, as well as inter-regional and regional fluctuations between hospital admissions.
Finally, the tool significantly helps the decision-making process with regards to planning for healthcare establishments and throughout regions.
The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France
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