Latest database descriptions

Study on long-term iatrogenic effects for women treated for breast cancer between 1954 and 1985 at the Institut Gustave Roussy

September 05 2017

SurvSein is a prospective and retrospective cohort study of women treated for breast cancer between 1954 and 1983 at the Institut Gustave Roussy in order to measure the iatrogenic effects of long-term treatment.

Front-Line Survey on Drug Users

September 05 2017

This survey focuses on the knowledge and monitoring of psychoactive product users and their practices.

Prospective Parisian Survey 1

September 05 2017

To determine the incidence and prevalence of ischaemic cardiomyopathy (IC) among the French population and to quantify the risk associated with various risk factors.

Vascular Ageing, Decline in Brain and Cognitive Functions

September 05 2017

General objective: to investigate vascular ageing, decline in brain and cognitive function and associated factors with a longitudinal follow-up study. Secondary objective: to the determine to role of biological factors linked with oxidative stress and brain ageing.

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