The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France
September 05 2017
To assess the impact of an educational programme on the chronic state of common lower back pain, through written information in "The Back Guide", as well as the usual verbal information provided to all lower back pain patients.
September 05 2017
To determine the impact of health problems on physical integrity, everyday life and social life for individuals.
September 05 2017
The epidemiological analysis aims to assess the role played by drugs in fatal road accidents. This includes estimating the relative risk of fatal accidents that involve drugs and the prevalence of drugs among "circulating" (accident-free) drivers. Even though only drivers involved in a fatal accident are included, both of these parameters may be estimated, provided certain analysis conditions are met.
It also aims to characterise fatal accidents involving drivers under the influence and to compare these characteristics with those from other fatal accidents. The objective is to determine whether the first accident type bears specific traits that may be the basis for defining preventative initiatives that target drug users.
September 05 2017
To determine the overall incidence of epileptic seizures within the island population and to identify clinical seizure type and factors.
The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France
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