Day on allergies and environment on January 23, 2015 in Paris

09 January 2015

Stallergenes Foundation, Asthma and allergies, ADOSEN (Action for Health Documentation National Education) and AFPSSU (French Association of Health Promotion School and University) organize a day on 'allergies, environmental impact ... health and education" to be held on January 23, 2015 in Paris.

This event will address the theme of health and youth education with the recommendations in the field of education, prevention and protection to improve their living place of study.

More information and registration here

Symposium: "Health in a hazardous environment - knowledge, responsibility and agentivity"

08 January 2015

The SPHERE laboratory, in collaboration with CNRS and Université Paris Descartes, organizes a symposium entitled "Health in a hazardous environment - knowledge, responsibility and agentivity" on 8 and 9 January 2015 in Paris. This event will bring together human and social scientists (philosophers, geographers, historians, sociologists, ...), epidemiologists and biologists.

The themes of the conference will focus on 1) the construction of the evidence at the foundation of public action; 2) epidemiology and justice, accountability and probabilistic reasoning; 3) sensitive approaches to the environment; and 4) the landscape of fear of possible landscape and capabilities.


15th meeting of the National Network for Hepatitis by ANRS

07 January 2015

15th meeting of the National Network for Hepatitis by ANRS

From 29 to 30 January 2015 in Paris (UICP)

Organizer: ANRS

Theme: These events bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss the latest French advances in fundamental and translational research on hepatitis B and C.

Free, but mandatory registration (closing January 23, 2015)

Visit the dedicated website

Contact: by email or tel. : (+33) 01 70 15 44 73

CryoStem Collection: call for research projects in 2015

05 January 2015

Launched in July 2012, the CryoStem cohort project, selected in 2011 by the ANR, is a collection of biological samples donor/recipient pairs of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells that aims to provide a better understanding of the Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD). This call for proposals concerns exclusively research projects on the biology of the Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD) on human subjects.

Application deadline: January 31, 2015

Download the document of the call for projetcs

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