Opening of the first public database on medicines

28 January 2014


Accessible since October 2013, this new tool, developped by ANSM (French Agency for the Safety of Health Products), HAS (French National Authority for Health) and UNCAM (Union Nationale des Caisses d'Assurance Maladie), under the coordination of the french Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, gathers information on the medicines commercialized or which commercialization stopped during the past 2 years.

Link to the website

Horizon 2020 calls for projects

28 January 2014


The European Commission presented on 11 December 2013 the first calls of the Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation.

Launched on this occasion, the new participant portal contains the work programmes of the calls, grant convention templates and several guides for future applicants.


Call for candidates for the Evaluation Registers Committee

24 January 2014

L’Institut de veille sanitaire,l’Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale et l’Institut national du cancer are launching a call for candidates for the selection of the members of the Evaluation Register Committee (CER), after the abolishment of the National Registers Center (CNR) by decree the 23rd Mai 2013. This committee will be charged of registers evaluation, taking into account the research and the monitoring missions, and to propose the priorities concerning registers policy and epidemiological needs.

The call for candidates is available on the websites of the three institutions, and the applications must be sent by email to the addresses listed in the call, before the 4th november 2013.


Full article on the InVS website

Download the call for candidates

6th pharmacoepidemiology forum

24 January 2014

The 6th pharmacoepidemiology forum will take place on June 27 and 28, 2013, in Paris, on "Medicines and medical devices". The forum will be structured around 4 thematic roundtable sessions followed by poster presentations and oral communications :


1) Public-private partnership : players, their roles, barriers and facilitators ;

2) Key factors of successful pharmacoepidemiological studies ;

3) Pharmacoepidemiological studies commissioned by health authorities ;

4) Epidemiological data used in economic assessment : what are data sources, needs and methods ?

You can already submit your scientific papers and register for the symposium.

The deadline for abstract submission is : March 15, 2013.

Contacts : (for any information about the abstract submission), (for any information about the registration)


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