Latest database descriptions

Suivi de cohorte de patientes opérées d'un cancer du sein infiltrant, unifocal, de taille histologique inférieure ou égale à 10 mm et sans envahissement ganglionnaire

June 23 2015

Describe the management of patients with invasive, unifocal, pT1a or b , N0, M0 breast cancer (histological size less than or equal to 10mm)

EOS Skeleton Imaging data

June 16 2015

General objective: To carry out three-dimensional measurements of the spine and lower limbs Secondary objective: To evaluate treatment methods

Prospective cohort involving patients with viral cirrhosis B and C

June 02 2015

Description of the natural history of HBV and/or HCV compensated cirrhosis.

French hospital database on HIV

February 04 2021

General objective: To evaluate the medium and long-term clinical impact of therapeutic strategies with the help of marginal structural models. Secondary objectives - to assess non-AIDS-defining morbidity and mortality and the impact of HIV infection and/or treatment for cancer as well as vascular and metabolic diseases. - to contribute to epidemiological monitoring of HIV infection in France (descriptive epidemiology and establishment of model). - to participate in international collaborations on treated patient prognosis as well as morbidity and mortality in previously diagnosed individuals.

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