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Case-Control Study on Tracking Nursing Home Patients with Dementia

September 26 2017

To assess the relevance of systematically tracking dementia cases in EHPADs (institutions for dependent elderly people) within multidisciplinary team meetings.

PrimInject: cross-sectional study on the patterns and practices of drug use in France

September 19 2017

Intravenous injection is the major mode of transmission of HCV among drug users, not only by needle sharing but also by the preparation equipment (container, filter, buffer, water), potentially contaminated by the blood of a contaminated person.
According to various sources, in recent years there have been significant changes in the patterns and practices of drug use in France, under the combined effect of the massive distribution of opiate substitution treatments (high-dose buprenorphine or BHD) from 1995 and the introduction of a wide variety of stimulants, including cocaine and synthetic drugs.
Often unplanned and practiced by a third party "initiator", the first injections present a high risk of contamination for the young initiate, often not well acquainted with injection techniques and the infectious risks and not in contact with first-line medical support structures.
In this context, a survey was put in place to identify the circumstances and practices of the first injection(s) among young drug users in France. An online methodology using the Internet has been developed to provide access and thus to discover user profiles that escape the more "classic" observation systems, especially those that are socially integrated or that are not in contact with support structures.

Prospective Parisian Survey 2

September 12 2017

General objective: to investigate various causes or mortality, especially cardiovascular events.
Secondary objective: to investigate coronary morbidity over a period of 5 years.

Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis Long Term Assessment Cohort

September 12 2017

General objective: To describe the natural history of symptomatic hip and knee osteoarthritis and to to identify predictive factors of its consequences in terms of pain, functional incapacity, quality of life and healthcare (medical care, use of healthcare resources and illness cost). Patients for this cohort study are identified during a national prevalence study. Secondary objectives: - to investigate predictive factors for quality of life, changes in quality of life and hip or knee replacement such as: socio-demographic parameters, clinical factors, comorbidities, perceived health parameters at baseline (quality of life, functional capacity), x-rays and biological markers; - to identify factors that influence healthcare usage, social impact and treatment for symptomatic hip and knee osteoarthritis; - to collect and store biological samples (serum bank and DNA bank), x-rays, clinical and perceived health data in order to form a platform for other research projects, such as physiopathological projects on cellular and molecular mechanisms of osteoarthritis and genetic projects. This cohort will benefit from the advantages of the descriptive prevalence study and will allow the recruitment of a general population based representative sample.

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