- Cross-sectional study of the consumption of psychotropic agents among young adults: correlation with social inequalities

Head :
Falissard Bruno, Inserm U1018 - Centre de Recherche en Épidémiologie et Santé des Populations Équipe: Genre, Santé sexuelle et Reproductive
Chau Nearkasen

Last update : 10/19/2017 | Version : 1 | ID : 4184


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Detailed name Cross-sectional study of the consumption of psychotropic agents among young adults: correlation with social inequalities
General Aspects
Medical area Psychology and psychiatry
Health determinants Addictions
Social and psychosocial factors
Keywords Social inequalities, use of psychotropic agents, young adult, study
Scientific investigator(s) (Contact)
Name of the director Falissard
Surname Bruno
Address CESP
Phone +33 (0)1 58 41 58 50
Email falissard_b@wanadoo.fr
Unit Inserm U1018 - Centre de Recherche en Épidémiologie et Santé des Populations Équipe: Genre, Santé sexuelle et Reproductive
Organization INSERM - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche
Name of the director Chau
Surname Nearkasen
Address 8 rue du Breuil, F-54180 Heillecourt
Phone +33 (0)3 83 57 61 46
Email nearkasen.chau@wanadoo.fr
Organization INSERM - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche
Funding status Public
Details Public
Governance of the database
Sponsor(s) or organisation(s) responsible INSERM - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale
Organisation status Public
Additional contact
Main features
Type of database
Type of database Study databases
Study databases (details) Not-repeated cross-sectional studies (except case control studies)
Database recruitment is carried out by an intermediary A population file
Database recruitment is carried out as part of an interventional study No
Database objective
Main objective To study the relationship between social inequalities and the use of psychotropic agents
Inclusion criteria Youths 15 years of age and older living in Lorraine, selected at random
Population type
Age Adulthood (19 to 24 years)
Population covered General population
Gender Male
Geography area Regional
French regions covered by the database Alsace Champagne-Ardenne Lorraine
Detail of the geography area Lorraine
Data collection
Date of first collection (YYYY or MM/YYYY) 2007
Size of the database
Size of the database (number of individuals) [1000-10 000[ individuals
Details of the number of individuals 1257
Database activity Data collection completed
Type of data collected Declarative data
Declarative data (detail) Paper self-questionnaire
Details of collected declarative data Sex, year of birth, height, weight, level of education, occupation, tobacco consumption, alcohol consumption, income, health condition, diseases, handicaps, personality traits, family support, frequency of consumption of psychotropic medicines for fatigue, anxiety or insomnia.
Presence of a biobank No
Health parameters studied Health event/morbidity
Data collection method Standardised self-questionnaires to be completed at home (sex, age, weight, height, educational level, self-perception, consumption of tobacco, alcohol, etc.)
Participant monitoring Yes
Monitoring procedures Monitoring by contact with the participant (mail, e-mail, telephone etc.)
Details on monitoring of participants 3 standardised questionnaires at one-month intervals
Links to administrative sources No
Promotion and access
Link to the document http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Social+inequalities+and+correlates+of+psychotropic+drug+use+among+young+adults%3A+a+population-based+questionnaire+study
Link to the document http://www.equityhealthj.com/content/7/1/3
Terms of data access (charter for data provision, format of data, availability delay) Contact the scientist in charge
Access to aggregated data Access on specific project only
Access to individual data Access on specific project only

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