Latest database descriptions

Cross-sectional study among students: specific life habits and health behaviours

October 19 2017

The purpose of the survey is to identify and understand specific life habits and health behaviours of students, as well as to better target preventive needs.

Exposed/unexposed study of youths monitored in 5 local missions in France

October 19 2017

The objectives of this project, titled "Presaje", were to find out the health conditions and attitudes toward health of youths monitored in local Missions and to understand their health care use (or non-use) behaviours in order to improve their access to care and to evaluate any impact on their social integration and job placement.

Drees opinion survey on health, social welfare and inequalities

October 29 2020

To study:
* the perception of problems related to health, to the handicap, to dependence, family, retirement, social welfare, precarity and exclusion;
* the ways of understanding issues related to these problems;
* opinions of the systems that currently exist, in terms of organisation, financing and redistribution;
* the values underlying all of these representations;
* the hierarchy of expectations and preoccupations for the future.

Observatoire des Caisses de l'Assurance maladie des Professions Indépendantes

October 19 2017

The provision of data to the regional health insurance funds and the national fund for the RSI, from chains of production in order to draw out pertinent information regarding risk management, preventive medicine, health-related and social action, control of the evolution of financial balance expenses of the system and assistance in preparing controls.

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