Latest database descriptions

Longitudinal study of salt consumption among hypertensive patients of Ile-de-France (2008-2014)

October 19 2017

The purpose of this study was to estimate the salt consumption profile by measuring sodium in 24 hours of urine in hypertensive patients treated in and living in Ile-de-France and to evaluate the evolution of this parameter between 2009 and 2014

Cross-sectional study of adolescents in a school setting: behavioural analysis

October 19 2017

The objectives are to:
- analyse the behaviour of adolescents in the current cultural context, taking into account the quality of their process of adolescence
- identify subgroups of adolescents presenting risk behaviours and/or interactions
- seek to identify their "profiles" using multiple variables (leisure, social relationships), secondarily allowing for the better identification of tailored prevention strategies

Cross-sectional study of matriculated children: monitoring the changes in prevalence of pathologies likely to disturb schooling and to damage future health

October 19 2017

The principal objective of these surveys is to monitor the changes in the prevalence of pathologies likely to disturb children's schooling and to damage their future health. They also educate public powers and local professionals on the public health actions to be carried out.

For children of each grade, the common objectives are to:
- provide data on height and weight disorders;
- specify the prevalence of chronic diseases or deficiencies likely to disturb children in their daily lives and throughout the proper progression of their schooling (asthma, vision or hearing disorders, food allergies, etc.) and to indicate the methods for treating them;
- assess their oral and dental health;
- estimate the rate of immunisation coverage;
- gain better knowledge of everyday accidents for these age groups;
- better evaluate learning disorders and their treatment (last year of nursery school);
- provide information about children's social environment and their life habits (dietary habits, time spent looking at screens, physical activities) making it possible to correlate the living environment with the surveyed disorders.

Cross-sectional study of the behaviour of online gamblers

October 19 2017

To document gambling and game-of-chance practices on the internet.

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