Re-organization of multi-organization thematic institutes of Aviesan

09 February 2015

The multi-organization thematic institutes of Aviesan and thematic institutes of Inserm evolved coordinated and concerted January 1, 2015


- Molecular and structural bases of living organisms

- Cell biology, development and evolution

- Cancer

- Circulation, metabolism and nutrition

- Genetics, genomics and bioinformatics

- Immunology, hematology and pneumology

- Microbiology and infectious diseases

- Neurosciences, cognitive sciences, neurology and psychiatry

- Public health

- Health Technologies

Medecine/sciences journal 30th anniversary symposium

09 February 2015

Medecine/sciences journal 30th anniversary symposium

March 12th 2015 in Paris (grand amphithéâtre - Institut Pasteur)

Organizers: Médecines/sciences journal, EDK/EDP Sciences editions & INSERM

Thematic: 30th anniversary

Introduction by Christian Bréchot (CEO of Insitut Pasteur) & Yves Lévy (CEO of INSERM).


Registration is free but mandatory

2015 Congress of the French Society of Public Health - Social determinants of health: from knowledge to action

27 January 2015

The SFSP (French Society of Public Health) is organizing a multi-thematic conference on social determinants of health, to be held from 4 to 6 November 2015 in Tours, France. These days will be an opportunity to debate and discuss the conditions that have a decisive influence on the health of each and every one.

Terms and online registration form here.


A call for papers is launched on this occasion.

Deadline for applications: Sunday, March 8, 2015


Call for Papers "Physical Activity, Health and Physical Education and Sports"

27 January 2015

The scientific journal of Unires "Education, Health and Society" is calling for papers for its issue "Physical Activity, Health and Physical Education and Sports", to be published in October 2015. This call is open to researchers and trainers working on links between physical activity and health education, mobilizing pistemological, conceptual, ethical, methodological as well as praxeological dimensions.

Deadline articles: Sunday, March 15, 2015


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