Call for project - IReSP 2013

24 January 2014


A few weeks ago, the French Institute for Public Health Research (IReSP) launched a call for project in order to promote secondary analysis of data already collected.Themes of the call:

- Functioning of the health care system ("health services research")

- Healthy public policy (impact on population health, how it should evolve, conditions for developing, program evaluation and public policy)

- Health determinants (
cross cutting approaches , taking into account the interactions between the various determinants)
Two back-up modalities:

1. Support to research projects carried out by exploiting existing databases
2. Project-definition contract

Projects are expected before the 23 April 2013.

The text of the call and the application files are available on the IreSP website.

Beginning of the third season of

24 January 2014

Launched 2 years ago by the team of Réseau Sentinelles (Mixed Inserm research unit – Pierre and Marie Curie university) and the Health Monitoring Institute, the website comes back for the third year in a row.


Read full article on Inserm website


Visit GrippeNet website

« Frontiers of Cardiovascular Research », second German-French symposium

24 January 2014

In collaboration with the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine and the French National Alliance for Life Sciences and Health, the German Embassy in France will be hosting the 2nd German-French Symposium “Frontiers of Cardiovascular Research”.


Read full article


There is no participation fee, however the registration will be required.

Contact :

Horizon 2020 Health/European projects day : Île-de-France meeting

24 January 2014

The 12th December 2013, at the great amphitheater of the English-speaking world Institute (Paris 6th).
Organizators: Medicen Paris Region, Inserm, AP-HP, ICM, Paris-South University, UPMC, Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris-Descartes University, Sciences Po, Paris 13 University.

Registration on line


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