Addictive behaviors among adolescents - A collective expertise of INSERM

17 February 2014


In the context of the development of the National Action Plan to fight against drugs and addictive behaviors 2013-2017, the Interministerial Mission for the Fight against Drugs and Drug Addiction (Mildt) asked Inserm to take stock of the scientific knowledge on vulnerabilities of adolescents (aged 10-18 years) to the use of psychoactive substances.


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Summer school on Public Health and Epidemiology

10 February 2014

The Bordeaux School of Public Health (Institut de Santé Publique, d’Epidémioloie et de Développement – ISPED) is holding a summer school on Public Health and Epidemiology from June 2 to June 13, 2014. This summer school's goal is to deliver knowledge on the main methods and techniques in epidemiology applied to industrialized contries and developing countries to approach health issues in praxis. It aims at all medical professionals.

Registering is free but mandatory before 2 May 2014.

Contact : Sandrine Bruneau

Symposium of the Biobanques Infrastructure

06 February 2014

Infrastructure Biobanks organizes a symposium on éthical questions and relevant reglementations for longitudinal population studies, which will take place on April 1, 2014 at the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière – Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris.

Registration required, limited seating.

Seminar on Applied Statistics

05 February 2014

Each quarter, the Statistical Methods Service (SMS) of the National Institution of Demographic Studies (INED) is organizing a seminar on applied statistics. INED proposes to attend the seminar on the treatment of missing data in Paris on Friday, February 14, 2014 from 14h to 17h in Paris

Registration is free but mandatory.
Contact: Bénédicte Garnier

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