SHARE France seminars

03 July 2014

The SHARE France (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) team Dauphine has set up in 2014 a series of seminars.

The next seminar will be held September 8, 2014 at the University of Paris-Dauphine. Two papers made ​​of data from SHARE, a Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, will be presented and discussed during this event.

Registration by mail is free but mandatory.
Contact: Ludivine Gendre

Blåtand Programme - Call for applications 2014

02 July 2014

This program aims to increase scientific cooperation between France and Denmark by giving French researchers the possibility of a short stay in Denmark (1 week).

The program's objective is to establish new contacts with Danish research teams. It is open to all researchers holding a PhD, regardless of their field of research. Financial assistance is a maximum of 1,500 euros.

Application deadline: August 15, 2014


More information here

Seminar "launch of calls for proposals IReSP-ANR"

02 July 2014

July 7, 2014 from 14h to 17h in Paris 7th (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health - dining Laroque)

Organizers: IReSP and ANR under the sponsorship of the Committee for Health Research of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Public Health ITMO Aviesan.

Theme: This half-day course is aimed at the entire community of public health researchers to sensitize them to the best possible use of calls for projects, and to discuss possible improvements.


Registration is free but mandatory

6th annual meeting of ITS

30 June 2014

From the 1st to October 2, 2014 in Toulouse (Pavillon Pierre-Paul Riquet, Purpan)


Organizer: ITMO Health Technologies

Theme: imaging, bioengineering and biotechnology, drug development, surgery, interventional techniques and assistance to the patient and the person, E-Health

Registration Deadline: September 18, 2014

Registration is free but mandatory and is done exclusively online

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