Latest database descriptions

Study of genetic factors implied into autism and related disorders

April 09 2015

Identify genetic factors implied into autism and related disorders.
Secondary objectives:
- Carry on the recruitment of patients and related ;
- Identify and take an inventory of secondary autism spectrum disorder forms to genetic diseases ;
- Study clinical, cognitive and biomedical phenotypes of patients and relatives ;
- Carry on the study of genes implied in autism ;
- Study genotype/phenotype correlations.

Case-control study on child psoriasis and overweight

April 09 2015

Cardiovascular and metabolic comorbidities are more frequent in psoriasis patients than in the general population. Limited data are available for children psoriasis. There seems to be a link between plaque psoriasis and obesity, even more marked when the child is affected by severe psoriasis. The main objective of this study is to assess the frequency of overweight (including obesity) in children affected by psoriasis, whatever the type of psoriasis.

PGRx: Rheumatoid polyarthritis suspicion

April 09 2015

Surveillance and evaluation of the risk of an initial rheumatoid polyarthritis, associated with drug or vaccine exposure under real treatment situations.

Multiple Morbidities for Elderly People with Breast Cancer

April 09 2015

The main objective of the PAM study is to develop a prognostic score at 5-year survival for patients older than 65 years who have breast cancer. This score is calculated from breast cancer variables, medical, psychological and social characteristics, burden of morbidity, frailty and quality of life. Secondary objectives of the PAMS study are: - To investigate the influence of individually analysed geriatric parameters on choice of oncology treatment at 3 months. - To investigate the influence of quality of life on survival and the onset of toxicity at 3 months, 1 year and 5 years. To investigate the change in quality of life for patients at 3 months (immediately post-treatment), at 1 year (during chronic treatment and follow-up) and at 5 years. - To study changes in perception (Response Shift) over time through quality of life questionnaires, so as to distinguish between what is a change in perception and what is a change in quality of life when analysing changes in quality of life scores - To study the links between changes in perception over time through quality of life questionnaires and scores from Impact of Cancer questionnaires (IOC). - To evaluate the change in physical performance and autonomy in patients at 3 months, 12 months and 5 years. - To investigate the validity of the Lee Survival Score in this population at 5 years. - To investigate the geriatric and oncological parameters associated with sought medical healthcare, defined by unscheduled hospitalisation in the year following enrolment, at 3 months, 1 year and 5 years. - To assess the association between self-administered health questionnaires and geriatric evaluation parameters for this population. - To determine associations between prognostic score, onset of toxicity and oncology therapy at 5 years. - To determine associations between geriatric parameters, onset of toxicity and oncology therapy at 5 years. - To determine the most efficient comorbidity scale for estimating the tolerance to treatment offered to elderly people with breast cancer by stratifying tumour type and initial grade, as well as choice of treatment at 1 year.

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