Latest database descriptions

Prediction of Damage to Organs: Prospective Cohort Study in The General Population on Brain and Cardiovascular Ageing

September 19 2016

Main objectives: - To identify predictors of impaired response to psychometric and cognitive tests and an altered level of cardiovascular risk over a period of seven years. - To develop corresponding risk prediction formulas. Secondary objectives: - To compare responses to psychometric and cognitive tests according to age. - To assess the prevalence of fragility syndrome according to age. - To assess the prevalence of dependency in subjects over 60 years old. - To identify predictive factors of the onset of fragility syndrome or dependency from a follow-up initiated in 2012. - On a sub-sample of 500 subjects that have undergone cerebral imaging (PET scan + MRI): - To assess the prevalence of the presence of cerebral amyloid deposits in the general population according to age. - To quantify the significance of cerebral amyloid deposits in terms of age. - To describe the relationship between cerebral amyloid deposits and response to psychometric and cognitive tests. - To identify factors associated with the presence of cerebral amyloid deposits.

Electronic Health Records Database

September 14 2016

Created by the Law of 13 August 2004, the Electronic Health Record is a dematerialized health booklet, under the responsibility of its owner, accessible via Internet, with fast and easy access for patients and their caregivers. It allows health workers to share all the medical data considered as useful for the coordination of care (hospital reports, medical imaging, biological analysis, allergies, antecedents, on-going treatments, etc). These data are integrated in the Electronic Health Record by health workers during care and treatment, with the consent of the patient. The patient can also add documents that he wishes to share with health workers. Data are stored in a highly secure manner by a body approved by the Ministry of Health. To reinforce security, all data contained in the Electronic Health Records are crypted. The Electronic Health Record is created with the informed consent of the patient. It is free and optional for the patient and it doesn't affect his/her entitlement to reimbursement. It is accessible 24 hours a day at all points of the territory. Access to Electronic Health Records is protected by the Law and all access is recorded so as to protect individual freedoms and health workers responsibility.

The Electronic Health Record enables:
- to facilitate the description of antecedents of each patient each time that they consult a new health worker;
- not to forget important information;
- not to need to bring paper documents for consultation or during hospitalization: laboratory results, prescriptions, radiographs, etc.;
- to avoid unnecessary exams, in case of duplication;
- to prevent the risk of interaction between different medications;
- in case of emergency, to increase patient's odds by saving valuable time.

Case-Control Study on Narcolepsy Risk Factors Following Exposure to Anti-H1N1 Vaccines

August 17 2016

The main aim of the study was to determine the risk factors for narcolepsy; particularly focussing on the potential impact of influenza, H1N1 infection and vaccination (especially against the H1N1 influenza pandemic). As such, the study was able to contribute to the European study coordinated by the VAESCO consortium and received funding from the ECDC.

The secondary aim was to compare the characteristics of exposed and unexposed cases.

The potential impact of genetic susceptibility is not outlined in the final report (depending on the analyses that will potentially be carried out on stored samples).

Cohort Belonging to The National Network of Schizophrenia Expert Centres

August 17 2016

The objective of the National Network of Schizophrenia Expert Centres is to offer diagnostic and therapeutic advice for patients with schizophrenic disorders and then monitor them for a period of three years. These patients will be thoroughly evaluated based on psychiatric (primary and related illnesses); psychological; somatic; cognitive and social assessment (impact of disease on functional outcome).

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