Latest database descriptions

Case-Control Study on Patients with Addictive Behaviour

September 05 2017

To verify whether anxiety disorders are more common in women with eating disorders.

The European Schizophrenia Cohort

September 05 2017

The main aim of EuroSC is to report on the different types of treatment and care, as well as clinical outcome.
Secondary aims include: assessment of treatment requirements in relation to outcome, calculation of resource usage with regards to different care methods and identification of prognostic factors.

Assessment of the Impact of Exposure to Occupational and Environmental Chemicals During Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcome and Child Development

September 05 2017

General objective: to assess the impact of early-life exposure to occupational and environmental chemicals on pregnancy outcome and child development, including exposure to solvents, pesticides, persistants pollutants and chlorinated derivatives in water.

Secondary objectives:
- to identify environmental sources and individual determinants (socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle, genetic susceptibility) of exposure to pollutants measured by biomarkers
- to investigate the respective roles of prenatal exposure and exposure during childhood

French National Nutritional and Health Study

September 05 2017

To describe food consumption, physical activity and nutrition of children and adults from a representative sample of the population living in France between 2006-2007.

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