Call for projects for data analysis of InVS epidemiological studies with biological samples

24 January 2014

The French Health Observation Institute (InVS) is realizing inquiries on population. According to different objectives, these inquiries have been realized among general population or specific groups. Several biological sample collections have been put together.

InVS wishes to provide to the scientific community access to biological sample collections and databases of those inquiries for the development of projects of complementary analysis.

Concerned inquiries are listed below. Links leads to a general description of each inquiry and to other documents useful for teams wanting to lead complementary analysis based on these data.

List of the inquiries with biological samples :

- Nutrition Health Inquiry (ENNS) 2006-2007

- Pilot ENNS 2004

- Nutrition and diet condition of the nutrition help recipients (Abena)

Abena 2004

Abena 2011

- Inquiry on the origin of lead poisoning on kids aged from 6 moths up to 6 years old (Saturn-inf 2008-2009)

- Anaïs pilot inquiry

Interested teams are invited to contact the responsible person indicated in the descriptive form of each inquiry for all precisions needed before submitting the access demand. Afterwards, teams wanting to exploit the data are invited to submit an access demand utilizing this document:


"Fiche_projet_soumission_biothèque" and send it to: aap_biothè


The propositions will be evaluated by a committee, who will take into account the scientific interest of the application, its feasibility and the thical and regulation conditions. The decision of the authoization to access to data for the demanding team will be decided in a 3 months period.

The access to data is free, nevertheless the fees linked to the exploitation of the biological samples will be at the expense of the demanding team. A technical support concerning data exploitation will be fournished to the teams who will receive the access to data.

This call for project will be closed at the end of 2013

More iformation on the InVS website

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