Call for projects Cancer Plan 2 IReSP 2013

24 January 2014

Support to cohorts for cancer research (2013)

Cancer Plan 2 (2009-2013) aims to accelerate cancer research for etiology, treatment, care or social and environmental inequalities associated to this pathology.

As part of measure number 3 of this Plan (characterizing environmental and behavioral risks), the French Institute for Public Health Research (IReSP) supports, together with the French National Institute of cancer (INCa) the cohorts and the longitudinal studies which contribute to the production of knowledge in the cancer domain.

This call to projects aims to support data and biological resources collection, in order to feed cohortes and longitudinal researches.

Data and collected resources should be inscribed in the perspective of further research projects realization concerning cancer etiology, treatment efficacity and the study of inequalities associated to different steps of the disease.

With this call, IReSP wishes to encourage structuration and improvemet of cohort databases, through complementary biological resources collection and integration of biological, clinical, environmental, behavioral and socio-economical data.

Support mode: projects of 24 months maximum

Total allocated: 300.000€ maximum for project

The projects should be sent before December the 2nd at noon.


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