A few words about the opening of the "Épidémiologie - France" portal

24 January 2014


After a few months of preparation, the "Epidémiologie - France " website opens to the public.

Do not hesitate to go through the catalogue of the website, the core of this Internet site is deviced to make the location and the knowledge of the main French originated databases concerning health easier to research teams and experts of public health.

From today's date, our catalogue is not complete. Thus, do not be surprised not to find there the databases concerning health which you obviously are already familiar with

This catalogue will grow day by day as the different contributors offer new databases to reference. By the way, if you wish to contribute yourself, do not hesitate to go in the menu 'Catalogue' and to choose the option key 'Contribute'.

It should be noted that the bulk of the cohort studies in health originated from public research are already referenced in the basis "Epigramme" to which you have direct access on the Internet site of GIS-IReSP (Groupe d'Intérêt scientifique – Institut de recherché en santé publique) www.iresp.net.

For this reason, these cohorts are not specifically described in our catalogue. On the other hand, you can find the titles and acronyms of these cohorts (as well as their scientific heads) in the research lists to which you have access by selecting the function key 'Explore the catalogue'.


Explore the catalog

The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France

Explore the catalog

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