ANRS CO2 SEROCO/HEMOCO - Multicentric Cohort of HIV Positive Patients ARCHIVE

Head :
Meyer Laurence, U822

Last update : 01/01/2019 | Version : 2 | ID : 60080


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General Aspects
Scientific investigator(s) (Contact)
Governance of the database
Additional contact
Type of database
Database objective
Population type
Size of the database
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Detailed name Multicentric Cohort of HIV Positive Patients
Sign or acronym ANRS CO2 SEROCO/HEMOCO
CNIL registration number, number and date of CPP agreement, AFSSAPS (French Health Products Safety Agency) authorisation CNIL no. 87-108 (17/11/1987)
General Aspects
Medical area Infectious diseases
Health determinants Geography
Social and psychosocial factors
Keywords AIDS stage, morbidity, mortality, health events
Scientific investigator(s) (Contact)
Name of the director Meyer
Surname Laurence
Phone +33 (0)1 45 21 23 34
Unit U822
Organization INSERM - Institut National de Santé et Recherche
Participation in projects, networks and consortia Yes
Details Involved in cohort network: COHORTES AC7, HEPAVIH - international: COHERE, EUROPEAN COHORT OF INJECTION DRUG USERS (Mr. PRINS, NETHERLANDS), CASCADE Involved in a European project: Cascade, Cohere.
Funding status Public
Details ANRS
Governance of the database
Sponsor(s) or organisation(s) responsible Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le Sida et les hépatites virales (ANRS)
Organisation status Public
Additional contact
Main features
Type of database
Type of database Study databases
Study databases (details) Cohort study
Database recruitment is carried out by an intermediary A selection of health institutions and services
Database recruitment is carried out as part of an interventional study No
Additional information regarding sample selection. Inclusion method: Prospective Inclusion cut-off date: 01/01/2001
Database objective
Main objective General objective: to investigate spontaneous HIV disease progression and the treatment response of haemophiliac (HEMOCO) or non-haemophiliac (SEROCO) subjects. The prognostic role of markers, in particular CD4, HIV-RNA and HIV-DNA.
Inclusion criteria SEROCCO: Seropositive HIV-1 patients (ELISA test confirmed by Western blot) with known date of contamination or whose HIV status is less than a year old (period between first positive sample date and the date the patient is enrolled in survey) and who do not have AIDS at baseline; attending physicians from centres participating in the survey; who are 18 years old or over and have given their informed consent.
HEMOCO: HIV-seropositive haemophiliacs (ELISA test confirmed by Western blot); attending physicians from centres participating in the survey, who are 3 years old and over and have given their informed consent. Consent is signed by the parties with parental authority of dependent minors or by the legal guardians of minors under tutelage.
Population type
Age Adulthood (19 to 24 years)
Adulthood (25 to 44 years)
Adulthood (45 to 64 years)
Population covered Sick population
Gender Male
Geography area Regional
French regions covered by the database Île-de-France
Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur
Detail of the geography area Paris regions and PACA (21 centres).
Data collection
Date of first collection (YYYY or MM/YYYY) 01/1988
Date of last collection (YYYY or MM/YYYY) 01/2009
Size of the database
Size of the database (number of individuals) [1000-10 000[ individuals
Details of the number of individuals - 1551 (SEROCO) - 197 (HEMOCO)
Database activity Data collection completed
Type of data collected Clinical data
Declarative data
Biological data
Clinical data (detail) Direct physical measures
Medical registration
Details of collected clinical data Clinical examination at baseline and every 6-month follow-up. Information collected during clinical examination: clinical, virological, immunological data, initiation and interruption of several antiretroviral drugs.
Declarative data (detail) Paper self-questionnaire
Face to face interview
Details of collected declarative data Information collected by self-administered questionnaire: sexual behaviour. Interview questionnaire at baseline and every 6-month follow-up. Information collected during interview: behavioural practices.
Biological data (detail) Type of samples taken: blood.
Presence of a biobank Yes
Contents of biobank Serum
Fluids (saliva, urine, amniotic fluid, …)
Details of biobank content Serum bank, lymph bank, cell bank.
Health parameters studied Health event/morbidity
Health event/mortality
Health care consumption and services
Care consumption (detail) Medicines consumption
Data collection method Self-administered questionnaire: entry from a paper questionnaire; Interviews: entry from a paper questionnaire; Clinical examinations: handwritten Biological analysis: handwritten
Quality procedure(s) used Consistency request after electronic data is recorded. Missing data is managed by returning to source record. Physician reminder for follow-up visits. Patients are informed about the use of their data.
Participant monitoring Yes
Details on monitoring of participants Every 6 months.
Links to administrative sources Yes
Linked administrative sources (detail) CépiDc, RNIPP, InVS
Promotion and access
Link to the document
Description List of publications in HAL
Link to the document
Description List of publications in Pubmed
Terms of data access (charter for data provision, format of data, availability delay) Data may be used by academic teams.
Data may not be used by industrial teams.
Access to aggregated data Access on specific project only
Access to individual data Access on specific project only

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