ESPRIT-VIE - Etiopathogenesis of psychiatric disorders in the elderly

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RITCHIE Karen, U888

Last update : 05/13/2015 | Version : 4 | ID : 60045


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General Aspects
Scientific investigator(s) (Contact)
Governance of the database
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Type of database
Database objective
Population type
Size of the database
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Detailed name Etiopathogenesis of psychiatric disorders in the elderly
Sign or acronym ESPRIT-VIE
CNIL registration number, number and date of CPP agreement, AFSSAPS (French Health Products Safety Agency) authorisation Date de réception de l'avis favorable de la CNIL : 15 décembre 2008 et n°CPP : 2007-A00281-52
General Aspects
Medical area Geriatrics
Psychology and psychiatry
Health determinants Genetic
Keywords Etiopathogenesis, the elderly, psychiatric history, symptomatology, nosology, stress reactivity, risk factors
Scientific investigator(s) (Contact)
Name of the director RITCHIE
Surname Karen
Phone +33 (0)4 99 61 45 60
Unit U888
Organization INSERM - Institut National de Santé et Recherche
Participation in projects, networks and consortia Yes
Funding status Mixed
Details Appel d'offre interne, subvention de la région pour l'équipement, NOVARTIS
Governance of the database
Sponsor(s) or organisation(s) responsible INSERM - Institut National de Santé et Recherche Médicale
Organisation status Public
Additional contact
Main features
Type of database
Type of database Study databases
Study databases (details) Cohort study
Database recruitment is carried out by an intermediary A selection of health institutions and services
Database recruitment is carried out as part of an interventional study No
Additional information regarding sample selection. Prospective Inclusion cut-off date: 01/02/2001
Database objective
Main objective To study the etiopathogenesis of psychiatric disorders in the elderly by identifying associated risk factors throughout life in elderly people with previous psychiatric history. - to identify depressive symptom subtypes regardless of current nosology; - to describe age-related changes in stress reactivity; - to assess the validity of current gene interaction/stress models for depression described in young subjects for elderly subjects; - to evaluate the usefulness of complete genome exploration based on haplotypes as well as a pilot study of clinical pools based on symptom severity; - to find the most relevant etiological models derived from multiple risk factors and interaction to explain the onset of illness and symptom severity; - to suggest future intervention and prevention strategies based on these models.
Inclusion criteria Men and women aged 65 and older included in the Montpellier and surrounding district electoral register (cohort of subjects who lived through war (First and Second World War, Algerian War, Spanish Civil War)
Population type
Age Elderly (65 to 79 years)
Great age (80 years and more)
Population covered Sick population
Gender Male
Geography area Local
French regions covered by the database Languedoc-Roussillon Midi-Pyrénées
Detail of the geography area Montpellier and surrounding district
Data collection
Date of first collection (YYYY or MM/YYYY) 03/1999
Date of last collection (YYYY or MM/YYYY) 2012
Size of the database
Size of the database (number of individuals) [1000-10 000[ individuals
Details of the number of individuals 2259
Database activity Data collection completed
Type of data collected Clinical data
Declarative data
Paraclinical data
Biological data
Clinical data (detail) Medical registration
Declarative data (detail) Face to face interview
Paraclinical data (detail) Imaging
Biological data (detail) Type of samples taken: Blood, saliva (salivary cortisol)
Presence of a biobank Yes
Contents of biobank Serum
Fluids (saliva, urine, amniotic fluid, …)
Details of biobank content Saliva: samples taken at ​​three separate times throughout the day under two different stress scenarios (home-hospital) for all cohort patients.
Health parameters studied Health event/morbidity
Health event/mortality
Data collection method Self-administered questionnaire: manual input and double data entry Interview: direct input Clinical examinations: direct input
Participant monitoring Yes
Links to administrative sources No
Promotion and access
Link to the document
Description List of publications in HAL
Link to the document
Description List of publications in Pubmed
Terms of data access (charter for data provision, format of data, availability delay) Data may be used by academic teams Data may be used by industrial teams
Access to aggregated data Access on specific project only
Access to individual data Access on specific project only

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