Latest database descriptions

Somme Cancer Registry (Certified Registry 2013-2016)

September 23 2015

Objectives of the registry in terms of public health (surveillance, evaluation):
1) Via an active and exhaustive listing of cases, a registry's main objective is to produce data enabling the calculation of indicators for monitoring the health of populations (incidence, survival and prevalence);
2) Such data is also made available to institutions - particularly decision-makers and local partners - to provide the département and Region with the necessary cancer-related expertise, by participating in various bodies (Regional Technical Committee for Oncology, Screening Committee, Regional Oncology Network ONCOPIC, etc.). The Registry takes part in cooperative research conducted via the FRANCIM
and EUROCARE networks aimed at assessing medical practices within the population and disseminating recommendations;
3) The registry is also a tool for evaluating the efficacy of the screening campaigns organised in the département since 1990 for breast cancer and 2007 for colorectal cancer. It keeps track of incidence rate trends, the proportion of false negatives and interval cancers.
Objectives of the registry in terms of research:
1) Evaluate the impact of public healthcare measurememts (organised screening programmes, regional health programmes, etc.);
2) Evaluate medical practices in the context of specific studies (high-resolution studies);
3) Develop research on the socioeconomic determining factors of survival and behaviour in cancer patients (e.g. the North-West canceropole VADS study underway, or planned breast cancer study in the Somme département) for a clearer understanding of the particularly marked disparities in healthcare access or use in the Somme
département and to pinpoint the differences - from the city of Amiens' large IRIS zones (grouped areas for statistical information) - in incidence and types of cancer through work carried out jointly with the city of Amiens and the Regional Health Observatory (ORS);
4) Examine the issue of finding work again after cancer through the research theme of the canceropole care, reimbursement and survival of cancer patients;
5) Develop molecular epidemiology research within Young Team 2530 on breast cancer (Role of ion channels, hormones and growth factors in breast cancer);
6) Ongoing distance survey into the quality of life of people suffering from prostate cancer, diagnosed in 2001, QALIPRO.

Cohort of 5,000 Patients at Risk of Melanoma

July 29 2015

General objective: to estimate the risk of developing de novo melanoma for at-risk patients according to the SAMScore (Self Administrated Melanoma risk score). Secondary objective: - To describe patient epidemiological and clinical characteristics - To develop a biobank in order to facilitate studies on these diseases and to investigate the physiopathogenic, haemato-immunological and genetic mechanisms of the same. - To establish and validate national treatment guidelines according to potential patient sub-groups.

Developmental trajectory study from childhood to adulthood in a cohort of EpiTED patients: Research prognostic, clinical and biological factors

October 25 2017

Main objective: Study on the developmental trajectories in a cohort of young adults with autism prospectively monitored since childhood (followed over a total period of 10 years) and to research clinical and biological developmental risk factors. Secondary objective: To describe the characteristics of this young adult population with autism from a clinical, medical, developmental, social and family environment perspective as well as study the relationship between genetic score (developed by IntegraGen) and developmental trajectories highlighted during the 10 year follow-up, as identified among SNPs (panel developed by Intragen) that accurately predict the given trajectory

French Cohort on Neonatal Cerebral Artery Infarction

July 24 2015

General objective: to determine the clinical and biological obstetric-neonatal profile for full-term newborns presenting symptomatic arterial ischaemic stroke. Secondary objectives: - to determine the mechanisms of infarction from obstetric history, laboratory tests and imaging. - To monitor motor, cognitive and epileptic outcomes in children as well as their autonomy and quality of life until primary school.

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