Latest database descriptions

French Prospective Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Cohort Study

January 12 2017

In this study we will examine patients who have undergone anterior cruciate and/or posterior cruciate ligament and/or multi ligaments reconstruction to determine the rate of re-injury, contralateral tear and functional outcomes at least two years after surgery.

Epidemiology and treatment patterns in Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS): a retrospective analysis on French expert centers databases

January 12 2017

To describe the treatment patterns of advanced (unresectable locally advanced or metastatic) STS (including viscus sarcoma) patients in France.

Secondary objectives:
- To describe STS (including viscus sarcoma) patients characteristics (sociodemographic data, type of sarcoma, histological subtype, tumor location, stage of the disease etc).
- To assess the STS (including viscus sarcoma) incidence in France
- To describe STS diagnosis (anatomopathology double review) and treatment history
- To describe the duration of the different treatments of STS disease

Observational, retrospective study exploring RAS mutation tests practices in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer in 2014

January 12 2017

To assess the RAS (KRAS and NRAS exons 2,3 and 4) mutation screening test request and realisation rates in patients with a recent diagnosis of metastatic colorectal cancer.

Secondary objectives:
- To describe changes in the KRAS (exon 2) mutation test request rate between 2011 and 2014;
- To describe the reasons for requesting/not requesting and performing/not performing these tests as a function of physician and patient profiles
- To describe and to analyse the impact of KRAS (exons 2,3 and 4) and NRAS (exons 2.3 and 4) results, the anatomopathology department availability to provide the tests, and the BRAF result, on therapeutic decision-making or changes in ongoing treatment;
- To describe and analyse clinical characteristics of patients and treatments planned and received as first-line therapy of metastatic disease;
- To describe the laboratory test method, the type of mutation request (if available) and the method and route by which the result was communicated to the physicians (result report);
- To describe and to analyse the time to receipt the KRAS and NRAS results, the process (who ordered the test and when) and the therapeutic approach chosen during this period

Autonomic maturation in neonatal period and early neurologic development: perspective longitudinal cohort study

October 03 2016

Describe the profile of maturation of the autonomic cardiac system (through time and frequency analysis of the heart rate variability from polysomnographic 24 hours records) during the firsts two years of life (0, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months) in a full-term or premature infants cohort.

Secondary objectives:
- Correlate in this cohort the autonomic status at birth and the neurological psychomotor becoming at 2 years; - Describe autonomic evolution profile during the firsts two years of life;
- According to specific pregnancy criteria;
- According to morphometry data;
- According to respiratory, cardiac, neurological, digestive, infectious neonatal morbidity criteria;
- According to the incidence of severe diseases and rhythmic disorders during the two firsts two years of life.

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