The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France
September 05 2017
Detailed description of this specific prison population and comparison with prevalent prison population (sub-sample of cross-sectional maisons d'arrêt survey); outcome of disorders at 1 month and qualitative analysis at 9 months.
(Initial aim: to determine specific factors for mental health deterioration in the short term. Aim is not achievable given the small number of individuals still present at the institution 9 months after their arrival).
September 05 2017
The aim of this cohort is to establish the causality between taking synthetic sex hormones during pregnancy and the onset of disorders in children from these pregnancies over a relative long term period.
Particular attention is paid to mental health disorders including: recurrent depression, anorexia, bulimia, manic depression, and schizophrenia that are related or not related to defects and/or malformations.
September 05 2017
The general aims of the EPIPOI study are:
– To screen overweight children or children at the risk of being overweight at 3-4 years old and who are then followed up by their treating physicians with or without support from RéPOP (paediatric obesity prevention and management networks) in Midi-Pyrénées (RéPOP Toulouse);
– to carry out educational intervention programmes for children and to assess their effectiveness;
– to train private practitioners in screening and managing overweight and obese children;
– to determine the prevalence of excess weight and associated factors in children 3-4 years old.
– to characterize the life styles of children aged 3-4 years old.
September 05 2017
The aim is to extensively map hypertensive patients monitored by general practitioners, focusing on level of pulse pressure.
The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France
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