The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France
September 05 2017
To study long-term development and pregnancy outcomes for patients treated for thyroid cancer. Secondary objective: - To estimate the connection between 131 iode activity received during thyroid cancer treatment and the risk of cancer or secondary leukaemia; - to determine the role of dose rate in radiation-induced cancer risk.
September 05 2017
The study of Lorraine Miners was set up in 1990 with 2 main objectives.
- To estimate the predictive value of chest tomodensitometry and of sensitive functional tests in the development of peumoconioses.
- To test specific hypotheses about the physiology of emphysema and fibrosis using biological markers: proteases/antiproteases, oxidative/antioxidative and degradation/repair balances.
The study of genetics has subsequently been developped.
September 05 2017
Describe the management and outcome of patients with chronic Hepatitis C treated with PEG-IFN-alpha2a in combinaison with ribavirin in hospital-based or private office-based
September 05 2017
The purpose of the Alcoroute survey was to analyze what is currently going on in the ANPAA care structures for drinking drivers, i.e.: what is their typology? What is their future in the care structures? What consumption modifications are observed in terms of treatment
The catalog contains the description of the main databases in public health in France
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