Latest database descriptions

Cross-sectional study of children in nursery school: perception and practice of snacking in Aquitaine

January 01 2018

The purpose is to make an inventory of the habitual practices of nursery school children in terms of snacks at school, including birthday treats, in Aquitaine. This inventory allows for the acquisition of information on the perceptions, practices, changes and expectations of the students, as well as guidance of the methods of intervention intended to improve these practices.
The renewal of this survey after intervention allows for the evaluation of its efficacy and the change in students' perceptions.

Cross-sectional Handicap-Health study - Informal caregivers

January 01 2018

The principal objective of the "Informal caregivers" survey is to characterise non-professional caregivers (family, friends, neighbours, etc.) for individuals who have stated that they have trouble performing certain daily activities due to a handicap, a health problem or their age in the 2008 Handicap-Health survey.

Conducted from April to September 2008, the survey includes 5,000 informal caregivers of handicapped individuals and dependent elderly individuals. This survey allows for the description and analysis of the living conditions and quality of life of individuals providing support to individuals they are close with (family, neighbours, friends, etc.) who stated that they have trouble in activities of daily life in the Handicap-Health survey in ordinary households in 2008 (handicapped or elderly individuals).

It addresses an interest identified in the recent public debate (conference on Family in 2006, decree dated January 2007 allowing the arrangement of the right to respite for family caregivers ), and addresses the initial questions from the Handicap-Health survey.

It allows for knowledge of the motivations and manifestations of informal support, description and analysis of living conditions and quality of life of caregivers and the manner in which non-professional aid connects or does not connect with aid provided by professionals. The survey also allows for the detailed measurement of the consequences of aid on the daily life of the caregivers, on the professional, family and friendship plans.

The general objective of the survey can be broken down into five sub-objectives: to create a portrait of caregivers from the social network, to gain knowledge of the configuration of aid and the conditions under which it is provided, to see how the caregiver's activity is reconciled with that of other caregivers, to understand the consequences of aid and the resulting needs, and lastly to gain knowledge of the representations that the caregivers have regarding their economic consent to the aid provided.

Cross-sectional study on the elderly: association of benzodiazepine use and repeated falls

January 01 2018

the objectives of this study were to examine whether benzodiazepine use has been associated with recurrent falls while taking into account the effect of potential confounders

CADASIL patient cohort

December 01 2017

General objective: prospective study of patients with Notch 3 gene mutation thought to cause CADASIL: research into prognostic factors and useful markers for preventative treatment trial. Secondary objectives: - To determine clinical-radiological correlations - Modifying factors of clinical phenotype and MRI studies - Prognostic and progressive factors - Clinical phenotype variability - Natural history of disease

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