Launching of the new Open Journal of Bioresources by Ubiquity Press

06 August 2014

Anchored in the BRIF (Bioresource Research Impact Factor) initiative, the Open Journal of Bioresources has been launched by Ubiquity Press on the 24th of July 2014.


The journal features peer-reviewed 'bioresource papers' helping researchers to locate and cite bioresources with high reuse potential. Making bioresources more openly discoverable has enormous benefits not only for the research community and the wider public, but for the producers of the bioresources as well.

Bioresource papers provide a concise description of a bioresource dedicated to human research - any collection of biological samples with associated data, biological related databases independent of physical samples or other collections of biomolecular and bioinformatics research tools - and where to find it. A bioresource paper is a publication that is designed to make other researchers aware of a bioresource that is of potential use to them for scientific purposes.

The journal is fully Open Access and will publish papers continuously throughout the year under the editorial leadership of Anne Cambon-Thomsen and colleagues.

Please contact if you would like to hear more about the journal.

Submissions of papers are received in accordance with our article template.

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