Horizon2020.gouv.fr: the French showcase for the european programme Horizon 2020 for research and innovation community

24 January 2014

The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research launched, on Tuesday, October the 15th, horizon2020.gouv.fr, the French web portal dedicated to the framework programme Horizon 2020, which will begin on the 1st January 2014.

Destined to future European project managers, the web portal gathers all the information concerning Horizon 2020, the European Union funding programme for research and innovation for the period from 2014 to 2020.

The portal Horizon 2020 takes an inventory of the available resources on the program, and underlines the news on the calls for projects (the firsts will appear half-December).

It proposes practical information to facilitate the participation for French scientists and industrials, an area dedicated to partner research, alerts by category, a newsletter, and a specific search engine.

It will promote the events organized in France on each program of Horizon 2020.


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