20th World Congress on Safety and Health at Work

21 July 2014

The 20th World Congress on Safety and Health at Work will take place in Frankfurt, Germany from 24 to 27 August 2014. With slogan "A shared vision for sustainable prevention," the congress will focus on three themes:

1) Culture of Prevention, Prevention Strategies, Vision Zero (accident);
2) Challenges for health;
3) Diversity in the workplace.

These days are for experts in health and safety, business representatives and employees, government policy makers, institutions or public authorities, social partners, and anyone who is involved in the field of security and health. With forums, specialized sessions and workshops, this conference allows you to exchange information, views, experiences and best practices.

Payment and registration form online here.
Registration Deadline: Thursday, July 31, 2014
Contact: safety2014germany@dguv.de

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