YZATIS - Evaluation et évolution de la prise en charge thérapeutique à moyen terme des patients séropositifs pour le VIH-1 traités avec une combinaison antirétrovirale incluant Atazanavir ARCHIVE

Head :
Bennai Yacia, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Schmidely Nathalie, Bristol-Myers Squibb

Last update : 09/05/2017 | Version : 1 | ID : 128


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Detailed name Evaluation et évolution de la prise en charge thérapeutique à moyen terme des patients séropositifs pour le VIH-1 traités avec une combinaison antirétrovirale incluant Atazanavir
Sign or acronym YZATIS
CNIL registration number, number and date of CPP agreement, AFSSAPS (French Health Products Safety Agency) authorisation CNIL n°04-1334 (18/10/2004)
General Aspects
Medical area Infectious diseases
Others (details) HIV
Keywords care, Atazanavir
Scientific investigator(s) (Contact)
Name of the director Bennai
Surname Yacia
Address 3, rue J. Monier - 92500 Rueil Malmaison
Phone +33 (0)1 58 83 60 00
Email yacia.bennai@bms.com
Unit Bristol-Myers Squibb
Name of the director Schmidely
Surname Nathalie
Address 3, rue J. Monier - 92500 Rueil Malmaison
Phone +33 (0)1 58 83 60 00
Email nathalie.schmidely@bms.com
Unit Bristol-Myers Squibb
Funding status Private
Details Bristol-Myers Squibb
Governance of the database
Sponsor(s) or organisation(s) responsible Bristol-Myers Squibb France (BMS)
Organisation status Private
Additional contact
Main features
Type of database
Type of database Study databases
Study databases (details) Longitudinal study (except cohorts)
Database recruitment is carried out by an intermediary A selection of health institutions and services
Database recruitment is is made on the basis of: Medication(s) taken
Database recruitment is carried out as part of an interventional study No
Additional information regarding sample selection. random sampling in clusters
Database objective
Main objective Describe the arrangements for caring for patients treated by a combination of treatments including ATAZANAVIR according to the grounds for introducing the treatment (virological failure of the previous treatment or other)
Inclusion criteria M or F, aged 18 years or older, seropositive for HIV-1, treated via a combination of ARV treatments including ATV for which the main reason for introduction of the current treatment was: - virological failure of the previous treatment OR
- another reason.
Population type
Age Adulthood (19 to 24 years)
Adulthood (25 to 44 years)
Adulthood (45 to 64 years)
Elderly (65 to 79 years)
Great age (80 years and more)
Population covered Sick population
Gender Male
Geography area National
Detail of the geography area National representativeness
Data collection
Date of first collection (YYYY or MM/YYYY) 2004
Date of last collection (YYYY or MM/YYYY) 2006
Size of the database
Size of the database (number of individuals) [500-1000[ individuals
Details of the number of individuals 626
Database activity Data collection completed
Type of data collected Clinical data
Declarative data
Biological data
Clinical data (detail) Direct physical measures
Medical registration
Declarative data (detail) Paper self-questionnaire
Biological data (detail) cholesterol, TG, glycemia, bilirubin, liver enzymes, VL & CD4 (if available)
Presence of a biobank No
Health parameters studied Health event/morbidity
Health care consumption and services
Quality of life/health perception
Care consumption (detail) Medicines consumption
Data collection method Specific observation notebooks
Participant monitoring Yes
Details on monitoring of participants M3, M6, M12
Links to administrative sources No
Promotion and access
Terms of data access (charter for data provision, format of data, availability delay) publication
Access to aggregated data Access on specific project only
Access to individual data Access on specific project only

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